Estate Planning

A list of items for your first Estate Planning visit at RLG

Copies of a recent monthly statement for any bank account, savings account, brokerage account, mutual fund, etc.

Copies of any U.S. bonds and copies of any stock certificates that are not held in your brokerage account.

A copy of your most recent valuation statement for any annuity.  You should request copies of your current annuity beneficiary form and you should request a new annuity beneficiary form and bring this with you to our meeting.

A copy of your most recent valuation statement for any IRA, 401(k) plan, profit-sharing plan, etc.  You should request copies of your current beneficiary form on file and you should also request new beneficiary forms and bring these with you to our meeting.

You should contact your life insurance agent and request a printout or illustration which will show death benefit information and cash value for all policies.  You should also request new beneficiary forms for all life insurance policies and bring these forms with you to our meeting.

Post Death Planning Guide

1. Location of the Following:

a. Safe deposit box location and key.
b. Original Will and/or trust.
c. Life insurance policies.
d. Income tax returns – two years.
e. Gift tax returns (if any).
f. Passwords.
g. Deeds for real estate (including timeshares) and most recent real estate tax bills.

2. Asset Information*:

a. Bank accounts.
b. Brokerage accounts.
c. Mutual funds.
d. IRAs.
e. Retirement benefits.
f. Annuities.
g. Life insurance.
h. Stock certificates or bonds (including U.S. bonds).
i. Car titles, boat titles, etc.
j. Employer life insurance or other benefits.

*During life, a three-ring binder provides a simple way to consolidate this information. Store monthly statements for a year and as you enter the subsequent year, remove the oldest statement each month.

3. Key People**:

a. Attorney.
b. Accountant.
c. Financial advisor.
d. Life insurance agent and/or other insurance agents.
e. Employee benefits contact.
f. Funeral director.

**On cover sheet of binder, staple the business cards of all key people – this information may not be listed on monthly statements.

4. Funeral and Burial:

a. Have you completed form to appoint an authorized representative to handle funeral and burial? Does this form include sufficient details, e.g., church service, burial vs. cremation, burial site, etc.
b. Did you prepay the costs and, if so, where is the information?
c. Does anyone know what information you want in your obituary?
d. If you didn’t do any preplanning, who should make the arrangements?

5. Who should be contacted or notified of your death?

a. Names and addresses.

6. Preserving Assets.

a. Insurance for real estate and auto – these companies should be notified.
b. Cancelling credit cards.
c. Forwarding mail.
d. Health insurance and long-term care insurance information – there may be a refund of premiums.

Medicaid Checklist

Copy of birth certificate.

Copy of marriage license.

Copy of a photo ID (driver’s license (valid or expired), passport, etc.)

Copy of Social Security card.

Copy of financial/health care power of attorney.

Copy of the deed and tax bill for your home and/or rental property.

Copy of your car title.

Written confirmation of admission date to the nursing home.

Current statement from the nursing home.

Copies of current statements for all checking accounts, savings accounts, CDs, stocks, retirement and investment accounts, annuities, etc.

Bank account statement showing directly deposit of social security.

Copies of Medicare, Medicare Part D (Rx) and all other health insurance

Statement showing monthly health insurance premium amount(s).

Copy of most recent Social Security earnings statement (this is the statement that you get at the beginning of the year which states how much she will receive, the Medicare deductions, etc.)

Copy of Pension stub or other documentation from pension provider as proof that the amount that is being directly deposited has not been reduced by any withholdings.

Copy of proof for any other income received (SSI, Veteran’s Benefits, etc.)

Copies of all prepaid burial paperwork. *This must include documentation that the life insurance policy/trust has been irrevocably assigned to a funeral home.

Documentation of any life insurance policies showing the face value, cash value and type of insurance, i.e., whole life, term, etc.

Proof of any out of pocket medical expenses.

Proof of any shelter/utility costs such as: rent, real estate taxes, home insurance, condo fees, etc.

Previous names? i.e., married, maiden, other _________________________

Did you (or spouse) purchase annuity on or after 1/1/2009?__________

Have you or your spouse made any transfers of income/resources in the last five years as gifts or for less than fair market value?

Marital Status? _________________________________________

Citizenship? ___________________________________________

Have you been determined blind or disabled by the Social Security Administration? ______________________________________